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Position:Home>History> Who was Dean Rusk?

Question:What was his character like?

I'm doing a skit, and I would love to know what his demeanor was like...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What was his character like?

I'm doing a skit, and I would love to know what his demeanor was like...

US Secretary of State, for JFK and Lyndon Johnson. Rather quiet and retiring intellectual. Eventually pushed out by Johnson for having too realistric a view on VietNam

Secretary of State under President Kennedy

I think he was Secretary of State under JFK back in the early 1960s. You're doing a skit and Dean Rusk is a character? Try to play Bob Mcnamara instead.

If you have some time, look at David Halberstam's _The Best and the Brightest_. Halberstam talks at length about key officials in the Kennedy administration, focusing on their personalities and attitudes.