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Position:Home>History> Do you think America is on the decline and will fall because of identical reason

Question:The American phony freedom of spending excessively on imports is the reason. Another reason would be they don't even look at how much their stupid leaders spend on wars. This is how the USA is able to accumulate a $9 trillion national debt. Iraq accounts for 1 trillion. Rome fell because of many reasons including war and bankruptcy. The US lives by the sword and it will die by the sword, sooner or later.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The American phony freedom of spending excessively on imports is the reason. Another reason would be they don't even look at how much their stupid leaders spend on wars. This is how the USA is able to accumulate a $9 trillion national debt. Iraq accounts for 1 trillion. Rome fell because of many reasons including war and bankruptcy. The US lives by the sword and it will die by the sword, sooner or later.

I do, but we will add to it.

A democracy fails when the populace discovers they can vote themselves benefits and money from the national treasure...Look familiar? The people in power are put there by the people who want something. Of course we will fail....just look at what Hilliary and Obama are offering.

Yes, decadence.

well we are certainly headed that way. but america wasnt built in a day and it wont fall in a day either. only time will tell.

No. If you truly read history you should know that circumstances are born of circumstances and the fall of Rome was caused more by the erosion of its governmental institutions (the debauched and corrupt emperors and courtiers) than for any other reason. That circumstance doesn't exist in the US. The US system can adapt without weakening to different sets of circumstances and still move forward. Don't forget the basic difference between the democratic government of the USA, with all its failings, and the autocratic governments of Rome. The US has a government by the people and for the people. Rome's leaders were the result of dynastic succession or murder in the grand scale.

The comparison you quote doesn't hold up historically.

Not identical.... geography and communications technology are vastly different.... but nothing lasts forever.

Of course!USA "do" wars with other countries for no reason kill child and others( and they should to be destroyed