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Position:Home>History> Was Texas used to be part of Mexico?

Question:How about New Mexico (or any other states), does it has anything to do with Mexico too?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How about New Mexico (or any other states), does it has anything to do with Mexico too?

Can't we all be a bit considerate IF we take the time to learn that English is NOT a person's first language?
Thank you in advance for checking this out before we bash someone needlessly. It's simply rude and hurtful.

SPROUT is really P.O.'d that people are picking on Jason. Sprout bites.

Texas IS the ONLY State that joined the Union while reserving the right to secede - hence, the Texans were not traitors during the War of Southern Secession.

more concern for achieving my dream and i tried not to let anything affect my emotions :) hmm its really amazing i learn so much from the many sharing to this question on Texas. Now I hope i will wish to read more about american history apart from WW2. Report It

jasonlai73's Avatar jasonlai...
Oh yes do let me add you to my contact list :) and again appreciate your tremendous tolerance on my bad grammar. Take care sprouts and if i ever change account i will let u know :) Report It

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  • ansel s's Avatar by ansel s
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  • No it never was and never will be

    no they doesn't

    yes, these parts of the USA were stolen from the mexican...

    yes it was until we had war with them and then we took california and texas from them.

    yes, but if you think about it texas used to belong to the native americans before it was mexico's.. and even before Native American's it was occupied by migrants from Asia and I'm talking about Stone Age here.

    How about studying English rather than History...then come back and ask the question.

    Texas was once part of Mexico. Look up the history of Texas.
    Remember the Alamo?

    Did Texas ever use to be a part of Mexico?

    Yes it was. Then they rebelled- and won. Remember the Alamo?
    I'm from Poland and even I know that

    Yes. Texas boasts that "Six Flags" have flown over its soil: the national flags of Spain, the Fleur-de-lis of France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of America, and the United States of America.

    Yes, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and southern California were all once part of Mexico.


    they revolted and started the Republic of Texas

    the deciding battle of the texas revolution was the battle of San Jacinto

    The texan forces captured Santa Anna, the mexican dictator and general, and forced him to sign a document recognizing texas as an independent nation

    The mexican government later declared the document void because it was forcibly signed.

    France was the first country after that the recognize texas also. The USA didnt want to intervene for fear of starting a dispute with mexico.\

    Texas is the only state that can divide into 5 different states and is also the only state whose flag can fly level with the American Flag

    yes on both

    untill 1836 Texas was Tejas Mexico
    Texas gained independence through revolution

    it would remain its own nation for 8 years before gaining union membership in 1845.

    New Mexico, California and Arizona and some of the states north of texas were also part of mexico. In fact when texas became its own country, it originaly stretched as far north as wyoming.

    Im a texan

    Right now, I think you need grammar lessons not history lessons.

    Yes, hence the name "Texas" or Tejas as it was called. Six Flags the amusement park was originally based in Texas and is called that due to Texan History. Six different flags have flown over Texas at one time or another; France, Spain, Mexico, Spain, Texas Republic, Confederate States, and the United States. As I understand it, Texas is one of the only states in the Union that can withdraw its statehood and reclaim its sovreignty without reprocution from the USA.

    Texas was part of Mexico, then an independent country( the only state to be so) and part of the US.
    The western half of the US( for the most part) was owned by Spain, acquired by France, and sold to the US as part of the Louisiana Purchase.......

    Texas, California, New Mexico and I think Arizona...they first belong to Mexico. The U.S started a war to take over all these Mexican territory, they said they bought it....but we all know they stole it.

    and i ttl agree with rejwow


    Hola Si! Texas was part of Mexico prior to 1836, April 21st when we wooped Santa Anna's Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto. Prior to that, Texas was also part of France and Spain. Later, we became The Republic of Texas, The Confederate States of America, and presently, The United States of America. ( Have you ever been to Six Flags Over Texas? That's how they got the name of the park. )

    Texas was originally part of Mexico, but since there were a lot of Americans occupying that area, they later asserted their independence from Mexico to join the U.S.

    The Texas Revolution or Texas War of Independence was fought from October 2, 1835 to April 21, 1836 between Mexico and the Texas (Tejas) portion of the Mexican state of Coahuila y Tejas.

    Animosity between the Mexican government and the American settlers in Texas (who were called Texians) began with the Siete Leyes of 1835, when Mexican President and General Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón abolished the Constitution of 1824 and proclaimed a new anti-federalist constitution in its place. Unrest soon followed throughout all of Mexico, and war began in Texas on October 1, 1835, with the Battle of Gonzales. Early Texian success at La Bahia and San Antonio were soon met with crushing defeat at the same locations a few months later. Soon after, a Texian fort was overrun, and all save a few of the defenders were killed in the Battle of the Alamo.

    The war ended at the Battle of San Jacinto east of modern day downtown Houston) where General Sam Houston led the Texas Army to victory in 18 minutes over a portion of the Mexican Army under Santa Anna, who was captured shortly after the battle. The conclusion of the war resulted in the creation of the Republic of Texas. The Republic was never recognized by the government of Mexico, and during its brief existence, it teetered between collapse and invasion from Mexico. Texas was annexed by the United States of America in 1845, and it was not until the Mexican-American War that the "Texan Question" was resolved.

    .....yes it was part of mexico but gain its independence. ...i just want to add im glad it doesnt belong to mexico because it would never look like , like how it looks today.