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Position:Home>History> If Japan never attacked the USA would the USA have entered WW2?

Question:No, not without some further provocation from the Axis. Sentiment in the states was strongly isolationist. The U.S. would have continued to provide Lend/Lease aid in ever increasing quantities. So long as the Allies could hold off complete defeat, the U.S. would not send their own soldiers. However, if it looked like the Allies were going to lose, that may have changed.
The U.S. originally only declared war on Japan. Hitler was the one who declared war on the U.S. It was the stupidest thing he ever did, (and the competition for that honor is quite stiff).
The situation would have probably settled into a stalemate pattern similar to WW1, with Germany holding Europe, but unable to conquer Great Britain. Eventually, some sort of accommodation would have to be reached.
The main battle would have been in Russia, even more so than it actually was. However, if the U.S. was not involved, Germany would have been much more formidable. In this situation, Great Britain would be the country expected to stand by the Russians, and given Churchill's contempt for the Communists, this wouldn't have lasted for long, if it happened at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, not without some further provocation from the Axis. Sentiment in the states was strongly isolationist. The U.S. would have continued to provide Lend/Lease aid in ever increasing quantities. So long as the Allies could hold off complete defeat, the U.S. would not send their own soldiers. However, if it looked like the Allies were going to lose, that may have changed.
The U.S. originally only declared war on Japan. Hitler was the one who declared war on the U.S. It was the stupidest thing he ever did, (and the competition for that honor is quite stiff).
The situation would have probably settled into a stalemate pattern similar to WW1, with Germany holding Europe, but unable to conquer Great Britain. Eventually, some sort of accommodation would have to be reached.
The main battle would have been in Russia, even more so than it actually was. However, if the U.S. was not involved, Germany would have been much more formidable. In this situation, Great Britain would be the country expected to stand by the Russians, and given Churchill's contempt for the Communists, this wouldn't have lasted for long, if it happened at all.

Yes, they couldn't allow Nazi Germany to take over Europe. They are allies to England, France, Russia and a host of other countries. It was just a matter of time before they got into it.

Not as immediately as history tells us. But I believe the question of entering the war had been discussed among many politicians.

There is a little known precedent that would have contributed, even without Japan's intervention.

It was called the Zimmerman Telegram. It was a telegram sent to the German Embassy in Mexico City during WWI. The Germans promised Mexico that they would return the territories United States had taken away from them, if Mexico backed them up.

A precedent like that would be more then enough to make the USA eventually get involved in WWII.

By the way, your question should be asked using the past perfect tense.

If Japan had never attacked the USA, would the USA have entered WWII?

Yes, once they had squeezed every last dollar out of Britain they would have joined in to protect their investments!