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Position:Home>History> Easy ten points! Questions about the movie, All the President's men!!?

Question:1. Contrast the personalities and working styles of woodward and bernstein

2. woodward and bernstein were two unknown reporters attempting to investigate possible criminal activities by members of the White House staff. How do Pakula and Willis (director of photography) attempt to visually portray this seemingly gargantuan task in the Library of Congress scene??

3. initially, what are the concerns of the washington post executive editor ben Bradlee and editors Harry Rosenfield and Howard Simins??

4. What is your reaction to the way woodward and bernstein conduct their investigation? in your opinion, were they ethical or unethical in their approach??

you dont have to answer them all. any help is greatly appreciated :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Contrast the personalities and working styles of woodward and bernstein

2. woodward and bernstein were two unknown reporters attempting to investigate possible criminal activities by members of the White House staff. How do Pakula and Willis (director of photography) attempt to visually portray this seemingly gargantuan task in the Library of Congress scene??

3. initially, what are the concerns of the washington post executive editor ben Bradlee and editors Harry Rosenfield and Howard Simins??

4. What is your reaction to the way woodward and bernstein conduct their investigation? in your opinion, were they ethical or unethical in their approach??

you dont have to answer them all. any help is greatly appreciated :)

1. Woodward: Clean-cut, serious, concerned with accuracy and process.
Bernstein: Sloppy, corner-cutter, easily given to lying.

2. Zoom out from above revealing them at the center of the enormous main reading room, surrounded by countless card cabinets and bookshelves.

3. Initially the concern was whether “Woodstein” would be the proper reporters for a big national story when they had done only minor stories.

4. They were unethical in some of the methods they used such as having a female associate pretend to resume a romantic relationship with a CREEP staffer in order to get a list of CREEP staff. They also falsely claimed to have corroborating statements in order to get people to talk. These lapses were mostly done out of desperation.

I think you and I have different definitions of the word "easy".

1 Woodard straight arrow. Bernstein loosely loosely
2 Look at how many records they want through.
3 With a secretive source how do you know he is telling the truth.
4 With a secretive source how do you know he is telling the truth.