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Position:Home>History> OMG!! Is this true?

Question:I just received an e-mail, stating that there were 6 Black Presidents. Do you think its being brought forth now, because Obama has a real chance to win, and therefore he cannot claim that he was the 1st Black president. The 6 were:

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. Calvin Coolidge
4. Dwight Eisenhower
5. Warren Harding
6. Andrew Jackson

Thomas Jefferson is suppose to be born to a 1/2 breed squaw and a virginian mulatto. Dwight Eisenhower's mother is supposely from a Ethiopan tribe. Both of Calvin Coolidge's parents had black ancestry. If this is true, why do you think it's being revealed now? Can someone prove that its not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just received an e-mail, stating that there were 6 Black Presidents. Do you think its being brought forth now, because Obama has a real chance to win, and therefore he cannot claim that he was the 1st Black president. The 6 were:

1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Thomas Jefferson
3. Calvin Coolidge
4. Dwight Eisenhower
5. Warren Harding
6. Andrew Jackson

Thomas Jefferson is suppose to be born to a 1/2 breed squaw and a virginian mulatto. Dwight Eisenhower's mother is supposely from a Ethiopan tribe. Both of Calvin Coolidge's parents had black ancestry. If this is true, why do you think it's being revealed now? Can someone prove that its not?

I think whether half, a quarter or an eighth does not matter when talking about a "first black president". Obama's skin color is the determining factor here and not lineage. Don't get me wrong, your research may have found accurate details for the ancestry of the before mentioned 6 presidents, however...visually they appeared white. I know that is shallow in retrospect, but believe it or not...many people are not concerned when it comes to the mathematical breakdown of ones ancestry...they just look at the whole package. Don't think that I am defending (for or against Obama). I won't be voting for the man if that is what you are wondering and my reasons are not because of race, ethics or religion. I just don't feel that he is the best man for the job. Bottom line, his views are not my views. Hope that answers your question.

Its probably random b*llsh*t created. Its basically impossible to trace who is someone's family just 10 generations back.

What you're reading are lies.

Dwight D. Eisenhauer's mother was born in Mount Sydney,Virginia on May 1, 1862 where she was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic, and catechized just like all the other little white children were.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


Edit: As my daddy always used to say to genteel ladies he was familiar with, "Ya got any Norwegian in ya?" And after responding in the negative, he would prompt them with: "Well, wouldya like some?"

No one's 100% pure anything. Except maybe malarkey.

just about all of us are mixed with either black or native american, some both. If you really wanted to know you'd have to look up each and their parents.


It is not true.

duh u really beleive this

Don't forget Bill Clinton! Everybody knows that Bill Clinton was the first Black president. (Until his wife ran against Barack Obama, that is!)

Well if Barack isn't the first one, there's no reason for me to vote for him. I guess Ralph Nader gets my vote.

Just because it's printed doesn't mean that it is necessarily true. HOWEVER, when you receive it as an e-mail, it is LIKELY that it is completely untrue. When in doubt, go to and check it out. However, in this case, don't even bother. This is false, false, false.

~You don't include George Washington, whose great-grandmother was the product of a union between his great-great-grandfather and one of his slaves, or Andy Jackson whose grandfather was born to a Quadroon.

I don't know if this is true or not but why would it matter?

That's news to me unless these guys did a really good job of hiding it, I think most people understand black people were not treated right in those days so it would not be good for a president to be part black, but who could say.

In the over all scheme of things, what possible difference would it make if it were true? Why would anyone in their right mind spend one second contemplating this? OMG find something that matters to worry about.

If these past presidents had black ancestry mixed in among their is that relevant to today's elections? That's like saying more presidents are born in the month of October so that must be a sign too. That's just talk about an individuals ancestral history. If they wanted to take DNA swabs of the relatives of any of these men they could see if there was African descent among them but it would only be pertinent to those people not to the rest of the world.

I agree, do you read everything you read on the internet or in an email? There's really little way to know for sure, although lots of people, if their ancestry goes back a few hundred years, has native American blood from intermarriage.

haha sure its not april fols? cos thats the most unbelieveable thing iv ever read haha