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Question:did the americans help the armenians during the armenian genocide?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: did the americans help the armenians during the armenian genocide?

these ppl are misinformed.. Yes Americans helped Armenians. it was all over the New York Times. The American Red Cross sent its first foreign aid to Armenia to help the starving orphans from Genocide. People sent a lot of donations and lots of goodies. American diplomats in Turkey related the events that happened and so the public was very informed. President Wilson propesed a plan to compensate Armenian Loss by suggesting that Armenia's lands be expanded. This suggestion was not passed.
Political support has declined over the last 100 years simply because of pol;political ties with turkey.. We're afraid of upsetting an ally that we desperately need for the war. Both governments are using each other, and Armenians are left to fend for themselves

Most major European countires have recognized it as a genocide... America and Turkey .. have not
Despite this, we do see relations between Armenia and Turkey hopefully getting better.

america was nothing at that time

Americans did not exist on the political map until WWII.


UMM americans did exist on the political map before WWII, we actually occupied the phillipines, but sadly we did nothing during the armenian genocide. in fact the word genocide was coined by an armenian during the nuremburg war trials. The genocide that took place was mostly unknown to The US, and for the most part alot of europe as well. it was kept secret, and it is now being told to millions around the world, unfortunatly though the us will not get involved because we are allied with turkey, the perpetrator.

it happened long before America started meddling in other countries dirty business.

1. This happened before the US got involved in the war.

2. It was not really known in other countries that this was happening.

3. When the US did get involved in World War 1, it was on the western front. Not the eastern/middle east.