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Position:Home>History> Why are laws passed during wartime and lifted during peacetime?

Question:You mean martial law?

They gov't has to exercise some extra control during times of war or during emergency situations because in those circumstances people are inclined to go just a wee bit bonkers. If you don't get a grip early, things can quickly deteriorate.

You can read more about it here:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You mean martial law?

They gov't has to exercise some extra control during times of war or during emergency situations because in those circumstances people are inclined to go just a wee bit bonkers. If you don't get a grip early, things can quickly deteriorate.

You can read more about it here:

During wartime more laws are required to keep order. During peacetime they aren't needed as much

cuz during wartime thats when everyone goes crazy and during peacetime it doesn't happen as often so then lift it


so they government has more power, when it needs it.