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Position:Home>History> What are some positive reasons for the indian relocation act of the 1830's?

Question:I am involved in a debate in my history class, ( we are studying about early history in the united states from the revolutionary war to the civil war). so I need some information about the indian relocation (or removal) act of the 1830's. I am pro removal of the indians to oklahoma but I cant find much of the positive reasons for their removal. please help !

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am involved in a debate in my history class, ( we are studying about early history in the united states from the revolutionary war to the civil war). so I need some information about the indian relocation (or removal) act of the 1830's. I am pro removal of the indians to oklahoma but I cant find much of the positive reasons for their removal. please help !

1. It made the land clear for the White men and women who came over as pilgrims.

2. It made it so that the Indians could have less land disputes.

3. It made it easier for white men to find the Indians for slaves.

4. They Indians would know who was boss.

Now I know this is all kind of bad, but that's what we learned in history class. I am against the Native relocation, but hey, it was 200 years ago, what can we do?

Thats because there aren't any good reasons for removal of native peoples regardless of when or where.

There are no positive reasons.
Unless you are white

Rico is right plus the Supreme Court held that the Indian Removal Act was unconstitutional and made Andrew Jackson drop it.