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Position:Home>History> Do u think the JFK assassination was the beginning of the end of the sense of in

Question:NO, American has never been innocent. Think about it.....seriously!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: NO, American has never been innocent. Think about it.....seriously!

I would not say it was the beginning of the end of American innocence but one of many factors of the innocence being lost. I believe it started with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of an horrific war culminating with the AtomBomb on Japan . By then we had lost our innocence , we entered a new age and there was no turning back.

What do you mean by innocence... ? The sense that a rhetoric of virtue was inviolable from within? America was never innocent, I agree. If there is a sort of transcendent glow of Revolutionary brotherhood that we find invading any critical analysis of American history, it is only because we have an incorrect idea of that history. Our founding fathers went on to feud, shoot each other, run crooked campaigns. James Madison's entire body of work would testify to the lack of innocence from the beginning. As far as the JFK assassination, it showed the futility of a nation's absolute unity, if for no other reason than some people, even in a highly ideal society, will always be touched in the head. That such people from within would willingly destroy a figurehead of that attempted unity is the closest I can come to any interpretation of disrupted "innocence."