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Position:Home>History> Concerning centuries?

Question:I'm writing a paper over "Girl With A Pearl Earring" which takes place in the 1600's. Would that make it the fifteenth century, or the sixteenth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm writing a paper over "Girl With A Pearl Earring" which takes place in the 1600's. Would that make it the fifteenth century, or the sixteenth?

think of time starting at 0-100 as 1st century
101-200 as 2nd century and so on
1601-1700 is 17 century
1901-2000as 20th
2001-2100as 21st

Panama below me U'r rite lol

neither :) the 17th...hence we are now in the 21st.

17th century. it will be better to review mathematics

Okay, we never start counting things with "zero" (zed) ; we start with 1,2,3... so if a year ends in double-zero, it's not the first year of the new century, it's the last year of the old! So 1600 is actually the last year of the sixteenth century, and 1601 is the first year of the seventeenth! Really!