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Position:Home>History> America Under Thomas Jefferson Crossword Puzzle?

1. This man developed the world’s first successful steamboat service.
4. This man led an expedition to Colorado’s Rocky Mountains.
8. They explored the American Northwest in 1804-1806.
9. America’s first overseas war was with these nations.

2. Napoleon sold this territory to the United States.
3. This president was author of the Declaration of Independence.
5. In 1800, the western boundary of the United States was this river.
6. This President appointed “Midnight Judges.”
7. This Act of 1807 severely limited U.S. trade.
10. This man shot Alexander Hamilton in duel.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ::Across::
1. This man developed the world’s first successful steamboat service.
4. This man led an expedition to Colorado’s Rocky Mountains.
8. They explored the American Northwest in 1804-1806.
9. America’s first overseas war was with these nations.

2. Napoleon sold this territory to the United States.
3. This president was author of the Declaration of Independence.
5. In 1800, the western boundary of the United States was this river.
6. This President appointed “Midnight Judges.”
7. This Act of 1807 severely limited U.S. trade.
10. This man shot Alexander Hamilton in duel.

1. Robert Fulton's passion was to blow up warships, but his enduring triumph was in the creation of the world's first successful steamboat services.
4. Captain John Charles Fremont
8. Lewis and Clark
9. This question is badly worded. So, rather than give you the wrong answer I'll leave it for you to work out. Which should be fairly easy because you have all the other answers.

2. The Louisiana Purchase - Napoleon Boneparte of France sold the land to the United States.
3. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America.
5. The Mississippi River.
6. John Adams, the second President of the United States of America.
7. Embargo Act (1807)
10. Aaron Burr.

1:Robert Fulton

This site might be real helpful to you. This is were I found some of the answers. It's

~You're kidding, right? I mean, you can't possibly need help with such basic and obvious questions.

1 across comes down to definition. One guy built the boat, but another one held the license to run it. If it has 6 letters, you need the builder. If it has 10 letters, you need the partner who held the monopoly on steamboat shipping rights. Actually, to respond correctly, you need both. Another appropriate answer is 5 letters, but the first guy didn't pay attention to the business end of the business and was only marginally successful, although he did operate up to four steamboats for eleven years. The guy you probably want didn't float his first boat until after the real father of steam shipping died.

4 across poses a problem because there are several choices, but the first letter or even the number of letters should narrow the field.

9 across is unusual because it is plural when the only possible answer is singular. Of course, if you refer to the 1801 affair, the plural might be appropriate even though the opposition were not really "nations". By the same token, war was never declared in that one, either by Congress or by the other side. (Hint - the answer you probably need starts with "B" although the names of none of the individual entities involved start with "B" - and they weren't British. In the sequel, war was declared, but another declared overseas war intervened.)

3 down is erroneous as the person intended by the question was not THE author, he was only one of the Committee of Five. Two of the committee members later became president. The actual document by which independence was declared, the Lee Resolution approved by the Second Continental Congress on July 2, 1776, was written by Richard Henry Lee, who never served as president.

5 down is questionable, depending on semantics. The river was the demarcation of US territory, but only one state and one commonwealth actually touched it (and only bordered on it for 200 miles or so) in 1800.

7 down is poorly written. Actually, it was a series of acts passed between 1806 and 1808 but they are all known collectively by the same name.