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Position:Home>History> Why didn't the world stop Hitler sooner?

Question:The world must have known about the concentration camps or at least that something wasn't right about Hitler's regime. Why did countries wait so long to take Hitler's army down? Wasn't it only after the US joined the fight against Hitler that his army lost(in Russia?) If the world had done something sooner millions of ppl wouldn't have died.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The world must have known about the concentration camps or at least that something wasn't right about Hitler's regime. Why did countries wait so long to take Hitler's army down? Wasn't it only after the US joined the fight against Hitler that his army lost(in Russia?) If the world had done something sooner millions of ppl wouldn't have died.

The world was already doing something. France, contrary to belief, didn't tuck tail and run, that's what the British, no offense to them, did. The French wanted to invade the minute Germany violated the deal with Czechoslovakia, but the British would have none of it, instead wanting to wait until Poland was invaded. Coupled with the fact the British refused to help when Germany invaded France (This is the point of an alliance mind you, to aide your allies), France had no choice but to surrender unless they wanted their entire population massacred with nobody even doing anything to help. This left Russia wide open, and Germany invaded Russia. Early on, Germany seemed to be winning, but the Russians turned the tide at Stalingrad, well before the British or Americans pulled off what they did later. In truth, it's likely the Russians would've defeated Germany even if the US had not got involved. We would've just seen a MUCH more massive Soviet Union.

hitler was moving really fast and everytime they would try to confront him it was already too late.. u should read the holocaust survior story about romek

He happened to have a VERY good Army which did its damnedest to NOT allow us to stop him. We had to work at it a little.
Don't you think you're being JUST A BIT simplistic?

hitler was rising in power his advacements in millitary
were incredeible
and know they did not konw abouthe camps becasue they were all within germany territory
so it took the russians and americasn 5 years to get throug germansy forces and find thouse camps