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Position:Home>History> What's the glorious and puritan revolution??who's the levellers??

Question:thanks a million =)

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Godness me can't stand the Levellers, just ignore them, everyone does, apart from the NMarmy. Glorious revolution is when James II, that's Charles I's second son, becomes King messes it up with being a Catholic and is chased out of England by his daughter and William of Orange, it's quite funny, poor crazy James!!! it's called the Glorious revolution because it's bloodless, ulike the Purtians twating everything up in the Civil war!

They were the spiritual precursors to Socialism.

The "Glorious Revolution" was the replacing of James II (king of England) with William of Orange. This demonstrated that Parliament was the prime authority in England.

The "Puritan Revolution" is better known as the English Civil War. Charles I was overthrown by Parliament after a war over who should control Parliament. Charles was executed for treason.

The Levellers wanted to eliminate all social classes in England other than that of the common man. They wanted to get rid of the nobility and gentry, as well as the monarchy.

No, the first two had nothing to do with Socialism, nothing at all. The Levellers could be argued to have some similarity, but not much.

The levellers were a group of pre-industrial revolution "socialists" who believed in equality between men. Dunno about the glorious and puritan revolution though - never heard of it. Hopefully someone else will - or else you'll get a wikipedia from someone! : )

Edit: Ah I see! I thought Glorious and Puritan revolution was one thing - not two...durr! Ah well, it was a tough weekend

1] The Levellers : -

The Levelers
The Levellers were an informal alliance of agitators and pamphleteers who ...
The main leader of the Levellers was John Lilburne (known as Freeborn John). ...

2] the Glorious Revolution - this was really a plot by the Catholics to re-establish themselves at the State Religion of England - no deal : -

The Open Door Web Site : History : The "Glorious Revolution" of 1688
The king wanted to change the State religion if England back to Catholicism. ...
The "Glorious Revolution" was over, without a shot having been fired. ...

3] The Puritan Revolution - which really did not happen here in England, but took place 'propertly' in my opinion, starting in c1776 in the American Colonies - POWER TO THE PEOPLE : -

English Revolution - MSN Encarta
English Revolution, also called the Puritan Revolution, general designation ...
the monarchy and the House of Lords, and declared England a Commonwealth. ...


The British Constitution in 1998–99: The Continuing Revolution
allowing people in England, region by region, to decide in a referendum .....
The continuing revolution. In private discussion at the Labour Party ...


YouTube - Cromwell and the Rise of Parliamentary Democracy (clip)
The reason for the popularity of Oliver Cromwell is a topic of .... by LCA from
the feature "Cromwell", starring Sir Alec Guinness and Richard Harris. ...


The statue of Oliver Cromwell, England's greatest parliamentarian, stands guard outside the House of Commons.