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Position:Home>History> Isn't the difference between the present President and Jimmy Carter, that Ca

Question:the present President is responsible for our war, bad economy and all the rest? The next President will be like Jimmy Carter having to deal with a disaster caused by someone who came before him. The present situation is so bad that some may end up calling the next President the worst ever, forgetting who caused it all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the present President is responsible for our war, bad economy and all the rest? The next President will be like Jimmy Carter having to deal with a disaster caused by someone who came before him. The present situation is so bad that some may end up calling the next President the worst ever, forgetting who caused it all.

Nobody else will agree with me, but you're right.

The current economic situation is disastrous, and we continue to borrow more and more from the Chinese and Japanese to pay for a useless occupation of Iraq.

Yes, Hoover tried his best, but he could not overcome the economic horror made by Wilson, Harding and Coolidge. Yet it is he who takes responsibility for the depression.

On the other hand Bush the Younger is truly responsible for what he has done to this economy.

well the main differences are that..
this president isnt smart enough to make his own decisions
this president didnt choose good enough economic advisors
this president wasnt supposed to win the election,
its called election FRAUD. remember florida?
carters presidency wasnt great. but i think he learned a lot after leaving office.
the main underlying message is: if you want a president that will deliver proper foreign policy you need one that has already travelled the world before becoming president that way they wont have that presidential bias.

Again, this goes more in "Politics" than it does in History.

There are a couple holes in your reasoning.

In the standard view of economics, you don't see results instantly, it takes a while before the effects of something become more evident. That being said, it generally follows that the economy of a nation during the Presidency of one person is due to the Presidency of the last.
The current situation is different in some ways. We took an immediate hit due to the loss in consumer confidence after attacks on our nation. At the same time, that doesn't undo the fact that some of the problems came from the economic policies of the previous administration.

Also, our current President is "responsible for the war?" We were attacked first!
I know people like to think of just the Iraq war most of the time these days, but that's not it. We are fighting a much larger conflict, that we didn't start.

Again, this isn't History. We will see what the History books say about this in the future. For now, we can say all we like, but we don't see what the long-term results of everything will be.

Bush inherited a horrific situation.
Clinton did nothing to stop al Qaeda when he could.
Clinton set us up for the financial mess we're in now.
Clinton passed the "No Child Left Behind" Act which has devastated our educational system.
Jimmy Carter was an awful President - Reagan got us back on our feet followed by George H.W.
Bush was dealt a bad hand and couldn't look good if he wanted to.

If we hadn't been attacked - thrusting us into a War - the budget deficit would certainly be a lot less if not non-existent.

Why didn't Clinton take out bin Laden when the SEALS had him cold?
Why didn't Clinton react to The U.S.S. Cole?

Clinton's failures, impeachment proceedings and the infamous blue dress took all his time. He didn't have time to protect our Country. He was too busy lying under oath.

We haven't been hit since Bush came in. That's HUGE...

More propaganda than question, but also factually inaccurate. Carter didn't inherit his mess, and the "stagflation" was several orders of magnitude worse for the average guy than the current economic downturn.

It seems that all everyone answers pointing the finger to one Party or the other. Our current President's father and the man, Clinton who defeated him showed there are times where the bipartisan lines are crossed and utilized for the good of us all. No one person can fix the economy, who better to use for the next president than the Past Presidents who are available to brainstorm with. This should not be a "party" issue...the war and economy are international issues that need to be addressed b4 they go back to the Senate floor. I think it would be very interesting to see what this "advisory" team could come up with.

The Iran Hostage crisis dominated the last part of Carter's Presidency. In began on November 4, 1979 so it wasn't something "inherited."

Carter's Presidential Library site reports "President Carter committed himself to the safe return of the hostages while protecting America's interests and prestige. He pursued a policy of restraint that put a higher value on the lives of the hostages than on American retaliatory power or protecting his own political future"

This resulted in a blotched military operation and the 50 plus hostages spending 444 days in captivity. It wasn't until Reagan became President that the hostages were released.