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Position:Home>History> If there was an uprising in Wales about occupation and control, Riots,?

Question:With our Police(you know our Police, go in with battons first ask questions later)
Would the English government listen to advice from china to give up wales.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: With our Police(you know our Police, go in with battons first ask questions later)
Would the English government listen to advice from china to give up wales.

There is a big difference - there is no rioting in Wales and it would never happen - the UK is a democratic state - if the people of Wales wanted to leave the UK then they would vote for it - Scotland has had a democratic referendum on leaving the UK and the majority of the population voted against it - give the people of Tibet the option in a free vote monitored by international observers - but the communist state of China cannot allow that and the only means they have of control are force and the importation of non Tibetan citizens from China to destroy the cultural and ethnic balance. The West has gotten used to the face China puts up for the world to see and forgotten that at its core China is a communist state who will not allow democracy. When China becomes a multi party state with free elections I will sleep easier in my bed

This would work a lot better in the "Politics" section. This is a hypothetical future event, not History.

Wales has been part of Britain for hundreds of years. They were loyal to the English since before there was a "United Kingdom."
Expecting either the Welsh to suddenly want to split off completely, or the English to simply accept that, is not that right with reality.

I wouldn't agree to an uprising. Wales is a part of England like Kent or Cornwall. I really do NOT want Wales to be independent. I don't think we would survive. What really bugs is that alot of so-called Welsh people in the South have English or Irish blood and they think they are Welsh.

I would rather be English.

::Edit:: If Wales becomes independent I will definitely be leaving for England or Ireland.

My motto Head before Heart.

I'm all in favour of Welsh independance. Perhaps they can the try and support themselves financially rather than us English have to support them.

I'm not sure Wales actually wants to be given up, didn't they vote against a devolved parliament? so it's quite unlikely to ever become an issue.
And since our government has an outstanding record of listening to advice, I'm sure they would bow to international pressure in these circumstances.

Wales WAS Britain along with Cornwall,before the Celts arrived,ie 30,000 years+(Celts arrived 4000 years ago approx.)
As for Wales being loyal to england or a part of it,says who? I'm NOT loyal to england and am certainly NOT english.
As for the person who would rather live in england,if Cymru got full independance,why wait!?
The english govt. only likes their own voices,and will support breakaway govts.,unless it is Welsh,Cornish,Scottish or N.Irish!

As a Welsh person myself, I really don't quite see what the problem is. I live in London and no one but no one gives a damn where I come from.

What puzzles me is why some people living in Wales think that it belongs exclusively to them? Some even go to the extreme of burning houses/cottages which the claim are owned by the English.

The simple reason why the Welsh fuzz go in with trucheons first is very simple when you know the History of the Warlike and Barbarian Welsh, who have a hobby which they call war.

There is no takeover of Wales by the English or anyone else for that matter. So, the possibility of riots seems very unlikely.

Meanwhile, watch this:-

YouTube - Wales: The National Eisteddfod (1) The Gorsedd Prayer

When you have viewed the above video, you will know that the Welsh are a great nation.


Half the signatories of the American Declaration of Independence were Welsh.

The destroyer of slavery in America, Abaham Lincoln, was Welsh.

Not bad for a small nation of about 3million.

Now hear this : -

Mr Richard [Golden Tongue] Burton - Night Ride

YouTube - Night Drive for VW

Now finally - Dylan Thomas reading one of his world famous poems : -

YouTube - Dylan Thomas - A Refusal to Mourn
A Refusal To Mourn The Death, By Fire, Of A Child In London by Dylan Thomas,
accompanied by some pictures of Thomas and the part of Wales where he grew up.

Don't ever listen to those who say the Welsh gave the world nothing.

There are no completely Welsh as there are no completely Scottish or English every British man or woman has some of each blood in there veins , as we all have some Viking and Gaul, Latin , Celt ,Pic, although the Scots may dispute the Latin bit , so to separate us on ethnic grounds would be impossible , I myself have to my knowledge Welsh Scots and English blood in my veins and would most likely if tested have the previously mentioned peoples blood as well . so were would i have to go in this stupid argument or would it depend of how large a portion of my genes were Welsh so that i could claim my heritage . Being that i am as proud of all of them and dispute any mans right to claim a small or large part of this tiny country and the idiots who wish to break it up .

There is no such thing as the 'English Government'. If the Welsh rebel it will be against Britain, of which they currently are a part and are equally responsible with all of rest of the British for the state of affairs that presently exist here.
I think this is more or less what the Chinese would say about Tibet.

If there WERE an uprising in Wales it would be probably from the English football hooligans stirring up trouble.

I think it'd be none of China's business.

Jamie P your on your own wales you might as well be English.

I am all in favor of Welsh Independence i am sick of being associated with the English when i am a person with my own Identity which i cherish why should there be an union most people know nothing about it. Most people in Wales see themselves as Welsh and Welsh only. Fact is a lot is hidden from the Welsh public due to undemocratic leaders and lords. But this is Changing and as a result the support for Independence is skyrocketing. It has risen 7% in 3 years now that must be down to something. Truth is the children of today's Wales see themselves as Welsh and Welsh only after all what has Britain done for them?. They now of the treachery from the English oppression they know it all they choose to discard that culture and stay Welsh. This is fact when around 40% of children below the age of 15 in wales are fluent welsh speakers and speak it on a daily basis and only 17% of over 60 do so the future only bodes well. Independence in Wales is largely to do with linguistic divides as well. With the Welsh speaking almost exclusively supporting Independence. With Wales becoming more welsh speaking and Rightly so this can only mean good for the hope of Independence. But in a democratic way.


The english wouldnt listen to anything that anybody says, they do as they please, the only similarity between the two is that the police use batons first and ask questions later in both countries!