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Position:Home>History> In your opinion, how much is the Roman Empire of 2000 years ago responsible for

Question:To blamers, a "causal" connection to someone or something else - to absolve individuals of today of any personal responsibility.

To self-actualized individuals, there is only the choice to stop what is clearly wrong, or not to stop - but both are, in the end, the responsibility of the individual taking action - either for good, or for evil. Blaming history or your neighbor might be a reason, a convenient scape goat - but is never an excuse.

The violence in Ireland was often blamed or extracted from England. It only ground to a relative halt when one person decided to take responsiblity for breaking the chain of violence, then another made the same decision, and another... Nations don't change behaviors - individuals do.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To blamers, a "causal" connection to someone or something else - to absolve individuals of today of any personal responsibility.

To self-actualized individuals, there is only the choice to stop what is clearly wrong, or not to stop - but both are, in the end, the responsibility of the individual taking action - either for good, or for evil. Blaming history or your neighbor might be a reason, a convenient scape goat - but is never an excuse.

The violence in Ireland was often blamed or extracted from England. It only ground to a relative halt when one person decided to take responsiblity for breaking the chain of violence, then another made the same decision, and another... Nations don't change behaviors - individuals do.

"Responsible"? About one percent of the responsibility of that prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

If you believe that the Romans crucified Jesus then the Empire has a lot of responsibility for the Mid-East crisis of today. Actually, it was the the Jewish Pharisees that hated Jesus because He exposed their hypocrisy. They looked to kill him by getting Pilate to crucify him. When Pilate couldn't find any wrong with Jesus, he washed his hands of him and asked the Jews what they wanted to do. They wanted to crucify him. They told Pilate to let the blood of Jesus be on their hands and their children's hands. From that time one, the Jews have been under persecution in one form or another from their mid-East Arab neighbors.