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Position:Home>History> Why are the ancient greeks important to history?

Question:They developed and documented "classical" thinking. How to analyze, the foundations of reasons and Western Gov't came from the Greeks.

Artistically they allowed for realism, realistic depiction of the human body was a first. During the Renaissance philosophers and artists looked to Ancient Greece for inspiration.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: They developed and documented "classical" thinking. How to analyze, the foundations of reasons and Western Gov't came from the Greeks.

Artistically they allowed for realism, realistic depiction of the human body was a first. During the Renaissance philosophers and artists looked to Ancient Greece for inspiration.

Western civilization is based on the Greeks. Various of them invented astronomy (Thales), math (Pythagoras), philosophy (Socrates), etc.

They designed modern architecture. The white house is modeled off of Greek designs and so was the Lincoln memorial. Another reason is because they were the first democracy.