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Position:Home>History> What is the most interesting piece of history?

Question:The two events, which probably changed the world, irrevocably, were:

The defeat of the Spanish Armada. If the Armada had succeeded, there would be no USA today! The resulting re-establishment of the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church over Europe would have put scientific research and engineering development back by at least 200 years.

A similar impediment to the Industrial Revolution was the Napoleonic Empire (although it could be said that Britain's need for improved weaponry may have acted as a spur). The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, effectively stabilised Europe for the next 80 or so years, so providing the economic foundation for the Industrial Revolution In Europe. Without that success, we would probably be living in a Greater American Empire!

There you have it! Spanish, or American world domination!.......... take your pick!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The two events, which probably changed the world, irrevocably, were:

The defeat of the Spanish Armada. If the Armada had succeeded, there would be no USA today! The resulting re-establishment of the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church over Europe would have put scientific research and engineering development back by at least 200 years.

A similar impediment to the Industrial Revolution was the Napoleonic Empire (although it could be said that Britain's need for improved weaponry may have acted as a spur). The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, effectively stabilised Europe for the next 80 or so years, so providing the economic foundation for the Industrial Revolution In Europe. Without that success, we would probably be living in a Greater American Empire!

There you have it! Spanish, or American world domination!.......... take your pick!

why is it socially acceptable to kill people in wars for a country's gain

I love history so all of it.....or the part when England got invaded by romans...then vikings...and normans...

Not when I was at school and aged 15, but now I find the Industrial Revolution period absolutely fascinating.

I'm not clear here. Piece being an artifact, an interesting story or a period or era? I would say the rosetta stone because it opened up the writings of the Egyptians.

All of it. It has made us who we are today. But personally, i'm fascinated by the Tudors and the Industrial Revolution.

European History and mostly WWII stuff with Germany and Hitler.

The Middle Ages. It links savage times to Modern History

The battle of Waterloo--Duke of Wellington- vs-Napoleon
Both of different characters,
One a stiff upper lip Gentleman, the other a Latin egoist intelligent man
Both with big reputations' and ready to play chess with each others career's, sadly one had to loose
Both are giant's in history.

That the Civil War practically started on Wilmer McLean's front yard at the first Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) in 1861 and ended in his house in Appomattox, in1865.

I think that is the most interesting piece of history. American history, that is.

When Napolean shouted "Oh! Crap" just before he lost the battle!

you mean era?! the tudors for me, i love it and find it fascinating!!!!