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Position:Home>Genealogy> Nose types hereditary or random.........?

Question: Nose types hereditary or random!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
does anyone know if nose types are hereditary or Random!?
for example

roman nose

greek nose

nubian nose

jewish nose

snub nose

celestial nose

and are how did these nose types come into existence!? and are there certain ethnic groups from which these groups originated!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my family the Roman nose is certainly hereditary!. It's impossible to get rid of it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are asking a question that deals with genetics rather than genealogy which is tracing ancestry with documents and records!.

I've never heard of some of those noses!. Probably certain types of noses are more prevalent among some people but that is no guarantee that people of a certain ethnic group will have them!.

I have a nose that is often common among Gaels!. It is a somewhat upturned nose with a little knob on top!. When I was a kid I was in the sun a lot and that little knob stayed red!. I was teased when the song "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer" came out as being the inspiration for it!. I find that when people with our type of nose get older that little knob gets knobbier and knobbier!.


Noses are definitely at least partially hereditary!. also ethnic, since a lot of black people have very different noses from Caucasians!. I don't know what would have evolutionarily led to different groups having differently-shaped noses, however!.

When it comes to the stereotypical Jewish nose, that might have been prominent amongst the small group of Jews thousands of years ago and, since Jews often marry Jews, was passed on!.

With regards to the roman nose, that might just have been what was considered ideal by the Romans!. We only have statues and pictures to judge by, and there was a tendency towards idealized images of people!.

I have never heard of a "celestial nose!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe noses are heredity I've been told my nose looked Jewish but I said no until recently then my mother said her father in law( my grandfather )said his mother was a red haired JewWww@QuestionHome@Com
