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Position:Home>Genealogy> If you could choose your own 1st name and Surname, what would they be?

Question:Biggus Dickus.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Biggus Dickus.

Nicole Morgan

The same as they are. My parents chose my name for a reason, and my surname adds to my identity after doing my family history research.

I am happy with both my given and surnames, it's taken me a long time to be at peace with my self, so i would not change them.

If I wanted a different one, I'd have changed it years ago. It's very easy.

What could be better than names that are handed down through your family

lance harley my names close to this not close enough though

I would have liked to have had my maiden name tagged on to my married name as the Continentals do, apart from that one glitch ,I am quite happy with my given name.

I kept my first name as my mum chose it for me (she passed away) so its only right mind you even if she was still here i would feel the same. My husband didn't like his surname so we went through his family tree and one name hasnt been carried on as of only having females, so we (by depoll) changed it to carry on that family name

I always loved the name Jaqueline, but never changed it and I would rather go back to my surname as a kid because my dad was Polish and wanted to keep his name going, Hinz. But I got married, then divorced then married again.

I like the name that i was given at birth. Because my first name is Randy and it is slang for "horny" and my momma named me right. lol

Eugine Reid.