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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where do you go to change your last name?

Question:Where would you go in your city to start the process of a last name change? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where would you go in your city to start the process of a last name change? Thanks

Court Name Change, New Bride Name Change and more!.

Town Hall

I'd probably start w/some phone calls, but I think you're going to end-up dealing with the Probate Court.

You can do it at the register office here in the UK, the price was around £40:00, but you dont need to go to a solicitor now.

Unless you put it in your question, we can't tell what country you are in. It is the most frustrating thing Y!A does. Even if you go in through Y!A Australia, Y!A Canada or ordinary Y!A, all the questions in English go into one big "pot". I'm in California, for instance.

In the USA you go to the county courthouse, with one exception. If you are a lady who just married and are taking your husband's name, you just take your marriage license to the SSA, DMV, post office, county registrar of voters . . .

Otherwise you go to a court, pay a fee and advertise (for another fee) in the newspapers for 4 weeks. In California the court fee is $320. Other states will have different fees, but the procedure is roughly the same.

Hall of records