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Position:Home>Genealogy> In the family tree If my brother has a grand child?

Question:What is the child to me? Great Nephew or Niece. It sounds silly but I had to ask.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the child to me? Great Nephew or Niece. It sounds silly but I had to ask.

depends on the sex, but yes, either great niece or nephew

that's exactly right! you'd be a Great - Uncle. :)

yep great nep,niece

yeah, i would say a great nephew or niece.

yep u got it right its either great nephew or niece. I have a great niece already and im too young for that but its all good.

That would be correct. You would be a great Uncle to that child.

Just keep that inner child on the ready for your Great Nephew or Great Niece to play with.