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Position:Home>Genealogy> Hey just found out my Italian surname is Fornaio!?

Question:Anyone know of any meanings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone know of any meanings?

Fornaio means "baker"; the difference with "panettiere" (like Hayden last name), is "panettiere" come from "pane", bread, fornaio from "forno", oven.
Strictly said, a fornaio cook everything, while a panettiere only bread, but in fact today they're synonym.

its the name of a restaurant in Palo Alto, Ca and New York. thats all I know.

This name is very rare on Found an immigrant from Emna, Italy. No meaning found, though.

It means that your ancestor who adopted the name was a baker of bread. Nothing glamorous, but definitely someone of good standing in the community.

"fornaio" = baker