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Position:Home>Genealogy> How many family members do you have?

Question:we're 6 in the family :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: we're 6 in the family :)

How do you define 'family members'?

Since you have posted this in the genealogy section I will answer that I have a tree with hundreds of names.

In my close family I have 3 other members..I'm not sure about my whole family tree.

I'm not sure what you mean by "family" -

Immediate family - 6

With partners - 8

Extended family - about 40

In my family tree - 1,500

Can you be more specific about what you are looking for?

I have 1 husband, 1 daughter, 2 parents, 1 sister.

I have 2 living aunts, 3 living great-aunts, 1 living uncle, 1 living great-uncle, more living cousins than I could ever count.

All total, I have 4 grandparents but only 1 living. I have 8 great-grandparents, none living. Before that, there are 16 great-great-grandparents, 32 g-g-g-grandparents, and so on.

My family tree currently has 8K documented family members. By documented, I mean, I personally have verified the data on each one and know that they are members of my family and not just names filling a space!

Last count
7 bros 1 sis
18 neph & neices
8 grand neph neices
plus grandparents (4)
37. no, they don't all get christmas presents.

Well I have 4 parents( 2 of them are step parents) 1 half brother. 8 grandparents. And there are wayyyyyy to many cousins and aunts and uncles to count.

ROFL! did you intend for this to go into genealogy, where we collect relatives? We tend to have a different perspective on family members. In my immediate home, it is just my husband and myself.. we both have grown children and (how many grandchildren now?). My husband's mother is still living.. she counts our cats as "grandkids".
Extended... I can't begin to count the biological ones, not to mention what I call "shirt tail" (by marriage). And I believe we all have a spiritual connection, that goes beyond biology.

How close? I have a wife and 3 sons (my youngest died...). I have 5 brothers and a sister.
One of my cousins sent to me his family genealogy, records kept and passed down to each succeeding generation since the 1400s. On my Maternal Grandmother's side, after her husband died, she remarried. The list sent to me by my cousin contains the names of more than a thousand people descended from that one woman! (NOTE: she was MY great-grandmother; my Mom's Grandmother).
So, I really don't know how many, if I included ALL my cousins (ALL ancestors, their brothers and sisters were deceased long ago...)

Immediate family-10
All others- I have no idea, but it's a lot!