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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there some kind of test I can take to find out my heratige?

Question:I'm told I'm Russian, Cherokee, Irish, German, Scottish, and probably a few other things. I really would like to know my real blood.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm told I'm Russian, Cherokee, Irish, German, Scottish, and probably a few other things. I really would like to know my real blood.

You can have a DNA test that will show you what different nationalities make up your blood, but the test can't tell you anything about the people, or their names or where they were born as such, just the area or continent.

Note that women and men can take the DNA test to show their maternal heritage, because women pass on their DNA to both genders, but only men can take the paternal DNA test, since women don't inherit this information from their fathers. If you want to trace your paternal line therefore, you will either need to ask your father, a brother, an uncle, or a male cousin on your paternal side.

There are various sites online, and you should look for the test that suits you, and the costs. You will pay more for more in-depth research, but if you don't need so much depth, you should be okay with the standard test.

I think last time I heard, the standard paternal DNA test was around £100 ($200), from

Yes, but it's expensive. I've heard of the testing costing as much as 500 $ and up.

To really know your heritage, you have to do research into your ancestors.

DNA testing. I would suggest (the one I used) supposed to be the best one. I have all those ancestries you mentioned, excepting Cherokee. However, the DNA test shows that I have Eskimo, Innuit and Native American tribes (unspecified). The reason for that is probably because Indians would marry someone from a DIFFERENT tribe...Also, they traced their ancestry THROUGH THEIR MOTHER! not their father as Europeans do.
Family Tree sent me a written report and I also have my own webpage on their site. You can check out their information and try others.