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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can I get a DNA for me and my father if he lives in Italy?

Question:He was ordered to take a DNA test in 2001 and never took it. I want to know if he is my biological father before I get close to his family.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He was ordered to take a DNA test in 2001 and never took it. I want to know if he is my biological father before I get close to his family.

Here are three testing sites listed on your page: DNA Testing Centre - Accurate and Fast
By representing many labs, we offer more order options than...

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Confidential Home DNA Test - $99
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or you could use the DNA tests on All of these sites will send him a kit in Italy that he can send back. You can also put both your e-mail and his on the form so you'll both be notified at the same time. I hope this helps

Indy aj

If he refused to do this in 2001, there is the risk that he won't take it now. Or.. send him the kit described above. How easy would it be, for him to take a sample from someone else, send the kit back, and say "see.. I am not the father". You would never be sure.
You need his full cooperation.. which you cannot be sure to have.
Yes.. some companies CAN compare dna to a grandparent, and establish if related. If they seem as if they WANT a relationship, you might approach one of the parents.