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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is my great-grandmother's nephew in relation to me?

Question:I know it's a really far relation, but it's gotta have some title, right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know it's a really far relation, but it's gotta have some title, right?

He's your grandparent's cousin, therefore he's your first cousin twice removed.

Okay so your great grandmother's nephew was your mother or father's first cousin, right? So wouldn't that make them your first cousin twice removed? I think. It's pretty murky.

Oxymandis, the first answer, nailed it.

Your parents' nephews (and neices) are your first cousins. Your G-grandma's nephew would, therefore, be first cousin to your grand mother/father.

Every time you go down a generation, you add a removed. The nephew would be your mother/father's first cousin once removed. He would be your first cousin twice removed. When (if) you have children, he will be their first cousin three times removed.