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Position:Home>Genealogy> Dose anyone go to davis elemetary in merrietta georgia??? i do my name is alex l

Question:You should never give out your name or any other personal details on a live Internet forum. Regardless of your age you shouldn't do it, you can ask your question but we really don't need your name, age , address, nothing personal.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You should never give out your name or any other personal details on a live Internet forum. Regardless of your age you shouldn't do it, you can ask your question but we really don't need your name, age , address, nothing personal.

Hello Alex,do not go to school there but I am from Marietta.

Yahoo requires that you be at least 13 to be on here. NO ONE in elementary school is 13 yet. Middle school ends with 5th grade and 13 year olds are in 7th and 8th grades. You are not allowed on this website.