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Position:Home>Genealogy> Origins of the Surname Arnette?

Question:I'm building my family tree, I've googled this surname a few times and a few web sites say its origins are Scottish, is this true or are there other origins for the Arnette surname?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm building my family tree, I've googled this surname a few times and a few web sites say its origins are Scottish, is this true or are there other origins for the Arnette surname?

Not mentioned in the Oxford Names Companion but there is an Arnott with two meanings
1. English; variation of Arnold
2. Scots: habitation name form Arnot near Kinross, probably so called from Gael. ornacht barley

it's probably true. I use and there is a surname origin part... mine were always true

On it says: "French: from a pet form of Arnold"...
Also, immigrants with the last name Arnette came mostly from Germany, followed by Great Britain, Hesse, France, and England. 50% of immigrants departed from the port in Antwerp, Belgium; 31% from Liverpool, England; 6% from Le Havre, France; 6% from Hamburg, Germany; and 6% from either Liverpool, England or Queenstown, Ireland

ANOTHER website says, Arnett: "English: from a Middle English personal name, probably a pet form of Arnold, although Reaney has it as a survival of the Old English personal names Earngēat (male) ‘eagle Geat’ (a tribal name) or Earng?{dh} (female) ‘eagle battle’.
Variant of French Arnette."

So it actually may be French...

This is all I could find for you, it's from
Arnette Name Meaning and History
French: from a pet form of Arnold.
hope this helps.

I am always suspicious of surnames ending 'ette' as far as their real original origins are concerned, if you understand me.
Is it a name which could have come over from France in the beginning, wonder?
You'll not get back that far, but it is always something to bear in mind.