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Question:why don't some people have a middle name ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: why don't some people have a middle name ?

I think more than any thing else it's a matter of personal choice. Myself an all of my siblings have middle names. I do know quite a few people who have added middle names in adulthood.

unimaginative parents?

it's their culture

Their first name is long and has many syllables in it.

My husband does not have one and it was by his choice. He legally changed his name because he NEVER used his real name, but it caused problems when his nickname which he has always used did not match up with his identification which had his real name. It was made more difficult when the fact that his nickname had NOTHING to do with his real name. Like Mike would be short for Michael and people would accept that. But in his case, using Michael as an example, he was called something completely different, like Joe, for example. People had a hard time accepting his ID in that situation. Anyway, when he legally changed his name to his nickname, he could not decide on any middle name that he really liked, so he did not pick one.

whats wrong with that???

I havent got a middle name, neither has my mother or father, or grandmother, a few uncles and aunts?????

My brother has, his middle name is my fathers first name, but for that person that said "unimaginative parents?" how does that mean they are unimaginative just because they didnt give their child a middle name??????????? twat