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Position:Home>Genealogy> Mathew Pavlich?

Question:This is really amazing. My name is Melissa Pavlich and I am of Croation descent. I am sure we are related somehow ( pavlich is not a common name to find) Can anyone tell me anything about him?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is really amazing. My name is Melissa Pavlich and I am of Croation descent. I am sure we are related somehow ( pavlich is not a common name to find) Can anyone tell me anything about him?

Pavlich is a very common name in the US, Canada, Austria and Croatia. It's a patrynomic name that only means "Paul's son". It's such a common name that there are over 12000 references to it in records over the last 100 years. But if you really think he's a relative, contact his agent and strike up a genealogy discussion. Stranger things have happened.

Why don't you google his name, I am sure if there's any thing written about him it will be there.

Pavlich may be uncommon in Australia but unless it is very uncommon in Croatia and elsewhere in the world as well I wouldn't make the assumption that you are likely to be related in any way.