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Question:Hi im 14, I have a uncle, my mums brother and he is married to someone which has a nephew, is or can he be realted to me in any way possible?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi im 14, I have a uncle, my mums brother and he is married to someone which has a nephew, is or can he be realted to me in any way possible?

You are NOT related to that person. You are only related to your uncle's wife by marriage, and she is your aunt for ONLY as long as she remains married to your uncle. ANYONE in HER extended family are NOT related to you at all in any way, shape, or form.....not even by marriage. Relationships by marriage do not extend that far into the other person's family tree and don't count.

Related to whom?

Not by blood no....

As it is, you are ONLY related by marriage.
A kind of non-blood related cousin.

You're not even a second cousin.
That would be YOUR cousin's children would be your second cousins.
You're not even a cousin "removed".

It's only in name.
You could therefore legally marry a non-blood related cousin with no one having a problem with it, including your own family.

Royal families have been doing it for centuries.

only by marriage

no he would not be a blood relation you are just related through marraige

No, well not technically at least. You could say he's just your cousin or something though

only by marriage
its your 2nd cousin
if its a relationship thing, could be awkard

i think he's a second degree cousin? but he's not blood related..

no b/c that would mean that she has a bro/sis who has already given birth to the child making it her nephew

so it would be known as to some type of step or of that nature

although of all things that child or person would always be related to you

more like second generation

but notby blood

Only by marriage.

this might be called your second cousin but not blood related

No you are not related. I don't think you qualify as cousins [blood or non] either. Your mom's brother is related to the kid through marriage, and you are related to him. So its sort of like a friend of a friend type of thing.

He isn't your second cousin. You are second cousin to the children of your mother and father's first cousins.

You can call him "cousin's cousin", but there is no blood relation. Take an extreme example

My daughter has a friend who is eurasian. Her mother was a Korean grade school teacher. Her father was an Air Force officer of Swedish heritage from Iowa.

She has cousins in Korea on he rmother's side. They are short, with dark eyes and black hair. They speak Korean and are Buddhist.

She has cousins in Iowa on her father's side; tall, blond Lutherans who speak English.

If the Korean cousins and Iowa cousins ever got together for a picnic they would probably have a good time, since both sides like beer and good food. The Iowans would have to watch out for the kim chee and the Korens would marvel at how many pieces of chicken the Iowans could put away in a sitting.

They would not share a language, religion or culture. They wouldn't be related.

yeah of course, bt not that close! so if u wanna hook up go ahead :D jk jk

I think this is a second degree burn. Good luck.