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Position:Home>Genealogy> What country is the last name Ganong originally from?

Question:I've been trying to do some genealogy and found a great great grandmother whose last name was Ganong. Does anyone know what the country of origin is? Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been trying to do some genealogy and found a great great grandmother whose last name was Ganong. Does anyone know what the country of origin is? Thanks.

New Brunswick, Canada--here are some people with that last name in New Brunswick:
I found one source that placed that last name as a Native American surname. guess is Canada.

Southeast Asian- Vietnam, Thai, Cambodian or Laotian most likely. I have known a few folks from this part of the world over the years so I'm playing a hunch that it is one of these countries. Good luck~ Spence

Canada, as best as I can determine.

It sounds Asian but it's not.