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Position:Home>Genealogy> I would like to track my family?

Question:We have been trying to find other family members for a long time. When we came voer from Germany, my grandfather left his brother, and never contacted him again. That was at Ellis Island in the 1940s.

I have more information, but there last name is pretty uncommen.

Halyckyj or Nehajawa. The second one is said to be my grandmothers madian name but where not sure of the speliing.

If you can help me at all please conatct me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We have been trying to find other family members for a long time. When we came voer from Germany, my grandfather left his brother, and never contacted him again. That was at Ellis Island in the 1940s.

I have more information, but there last name is pretty uncommen.

Halyckyj or Nehajawa. The second one is said to be my grandmothers madian name but where not sure of the speliing.

If you can help me at all please conatct me!

i found my great grandpa's grandpa. :-)
they have a lot of information for some people.