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Position:Home>Genealogy> Help! "Naomi Beet". Is it British Christian or Jewish name?

Question:I've lived in UK all my life but aint sure where my surname originates from.
Do you think it's a Christian or Jewish name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've lived in UK all my life but aint sure where my surname originates from.
Do you think it's a Christian or Jewish name?

Unless you research your family tree properly you are never really going to know but here are a couple of ideas.

This site is an index of births, marriages and deaths in England from 1837- 1920ish.

Jewish people often have Jewish sounding first names like Abraham, Mordecai etc non-Jewish more often have names like James or John etc . So see what is most common for those with the surname Beet.
If they are Jewish there will also be a tendency to marry people who also have Jewish sounding names.

This site has many records search and see if lots of people named Beet were christened in a church, if they did they were not Jewish.

You may also like to look at this Jewish genealogy site.

It sure seems to be British. There are a lot of Beets in the census from Britain. I don't think surnames have a religion.

If you are interested in your heritage, you need to research your family tree.

Could be either. Many people with Jewish names changed them to something that was easier for Christians to spell and pronounce. Many Christian names were taken from their professions - and beets were a source of sugar so a beet farmer might have the surname Beet. So - your name could be either. There's really no way of telling unless you can trace it back for a number of generations.,

I really don't think its a Jewish name.