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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to trace an a realtive who was born in Ireland?

Question:around the 1920's does anyone know of a genealogy site that helps find Irish relatives? thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: around the 1920's does anyone know of a genealogy site that helps find Irish relatives? thanks

Hello, yes try Curious Fox. It is a genealology site which traces the UK and Ireland. has Irish information. Did you try just googling his name and seeing what popped up?

I have membership to and I'm not 100% sure but I think there is some Irish BMD on there. You can actually buy credits now for their pay per view system which is fairly new to the site.

Go to and find the mailing (discussion) list for Ireland and subscribe. This is completely free and you may find some unknown relatives.

and go to 'find a mailing list'. Type in Ireland and you will find 198 lists that have an Irish connection. Its up to you which one you choose.