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Position:Home>Genealogy> What does the last name Suez mean?? please help! i cant find the meaning anywher

Question:This is a fun one; one of many I can never find. I did find this:

Giorgio Zammit - (19th century) perit arkitett fl-1858 ippubblika 'Alla Camera di Commercio di Malta Meoria sulla Canalizzazzione dell'Iste di Suez'.
from the website:
When I searched for the meaning of "Suez" (as in Suez canal or Gulf of Suez), I found this website:
If you will connect to that site and read their article, it appears that Suez comes from a Hebrew word for a "wooly kind of seaweed", which has been translated into "Red Sea" and "Suez".
The Hebrew name generally given to this sea is _Yam Suph_.
This word _suph_ means a woolly kind of sea-weed, which the sea
casts up in great abundance on its shores. In these passages,
Ex. 10:19; 13:18; 15:4, 22; 23:31; Num. 14:25, etc., the Hebrew
name is always translated "Red Sea," which was the name given to
it by the Greeks. The origin of this name (Red Sea) is
uncertain. Some think it is derived from the red colour of the
mountains on the western shore; others from the red coral found
in the sea, or the red appearance sometimes given to the water
by certain zoophytes floating in it. In the New Testament (Acts
7:36; Heb. 11:29) this name is given to the Gulf of Suez.

Since many names come from PLACES, perhaps this is the meaning of the surname, Suez.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is a fun one; one of many I can never find. I did find this:

Giorgio Zammit - (19th century) perit arkitett fl-1858 ippubblika 'Alla Camera di Commercio di Malta Meoria sulla Canalizzazzione dell'Iste di Suez'.
from the website:
When I searched for the meaning of "Suez" (as in Suez canal or Gulf of Suez), I found this website:
If you will connect to that site and read their article, it appears that Suez comes from a Hebrew word for a "wooly kind of seaweed", which has been translated into "Red Sea" and "Suez".
The Hebrew name generally given to this sea is _Yam Suph_.
This word _suph_ means a woolly kind of sea-weed, which the sea
casts up in great abundance on its shores. In these passages,
Ex. 10:19; 13:18; 15:4, 22; 23:31; Num. 14:25, etc., the Hebrew
name is always translated "Red Sea," which was the name given to
it by the Greeks. The origin of this name (Red Sea) is
uncertain. Some think it is derived from the red colour of the
mountains on the western shore; others from the red coral found
in the sea, or the red appearance sometimes given to the water
by certain zoophytes floating in it. In the New Testament (Acts
7:36; Heb. 11:29) this name is given to the Gulf of Suez.

Since many names come from PLACES, perhaps this is the meaning of the surname, Suez.