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Position:Home>Genealogy> Just wondering about my dad?

Question:see i was born really early, all the other kids who was the same never surived i was the only one, died 3 times and come back to life.

But thats not the real questian the real questian is how can i trace my dad he left just before i was born all i know is his last name is dean thats all im really eager to find him

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: see i was born really early, all the other kids who was the same never surived i was the only one, died 3 times and come back to life.

But thats not the real questian the real questian is how can i trace my dad he left just before i was born all i know is his last name is dean thats all im really eager to find him

If you know where you were born you can contact the county courthouse and get a copy of your birth certificate and see what your dads full name is.
Or you can click on the link below which will take you to the Dean family message board at genforum and put a message up on the board and hope someone sees it that knows who your dad is and gets in touch with you.
Good Luck.