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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i find thid coat????????????????


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mmm maybe Forever 21?

a yard sale?
a Church bazaar?
a Rummage sale?
2nd hand clothing store?
Recycle bin?

I do know where you won't find it......under the Genealogy category.

You are not very alert, are you? The machine told you it was going to put your question in Genealogy - the study of family trees - and offered to spell-check for you. You ignored both. You ended up with a mis-spelled question in the wrong category.

Why don't you find something warm and comfortable at a mid-priced department store, stop obsessing about fashion and work on noticing things around you?

Salvation Army

Go Ted!!!

I don't know. You can look for one like it at forever 21 or any department store. BTW Ignore ted and violet

Last time I checked coats didn't grow on family trees, so maybe you need to check out where you are posting your want ads or wish lists.