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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anybody know anything about cri du chat?

Question:i need to know...
is it a dominant or recessive allele
if you know i will thank you forever and ever.
thanks in advance!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need to know...
is it a dominant or recessive allele
if you know i will thank you forever and ever.
thanks in advance!!!!

Quite honestly I have never heard of it, I googled what is cri du chat and it came up with lots of information, here's just a few of the sites for you.
These are just a few of the sites it google came up with.
Hope this helps.

Were you just too lazy to do a Google search yourself? You would have got the same answer and not have someone do the work for you. You seem to be educated, Google isn't hard to use, what's the problem? I can only attribute it to laziness. Report It

Violet's Avatar Violet
Genealogists and geneticists CARE about the difference between genealogy and genetics. You are obviously not either one. Some of us on the genealogy board ARE genealogists. Report It

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  • That is a genetics question. This is the genealogy forum. They are not the same thing and are not related.

    Genealogy is a HISTORICAL body of research of one's deceased ancestors, and is about birth/marriage/death dates and places, what countries our ancestors came from, how our ancestors affected and impacted history, etc; and uses HISTORICAL documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, tax records, land records, court records, church records, wills and probate records, etc., to back up and document our research, and anyone can do it if they work at it.

    Genetics is a SCIENCE that requires years of college and specialized training to do, and is concerned with genes, microbiology, etc., and uses SCIENTIFIC methods and experiments to prove or disprove theory. Research is done in a lab, not in the records basement of court houses and churches.

    Genealogists are not geneticists.