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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know a good free ancestor searching site?

Question:This is very important to me

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is very important to me

There are thousands of them. In my experience, you benefit from many, not just one.
cyndis is a great place to start.. since not only does she offer a section on "how to", but her whole thing is COLLECTING research sources.
I will caution you on relying on sites that only specialize in only submitted family trees. Most of them will be 'good'..while others are inaccurate. What these are, are "conclusions" of someone else's research, not actually RECORDS. There are many people who search those, only to not find their family.. without realizing that this does NOT mean that their ancestors are out there. It's a question of knowing what records you need, and where they can be found.
Also.. be aware that most reputable sites will NOT have living persons on their sites. In other words.. it is not workable to expect to type in your name (or your father's name/ mother's name) and locate their personal information. That needs to be done on a private level. When you have 'worked' back, say 3-4 generations (which is easier than you think).. it opens up. Persons born before 1930 will usually be findable in the census records.
Shift your thinking from looking for a ready made painting, to a jig saw puzzle. You find the pieces, and put them together.

genes reunited

Wendy C, above me, nailed it. If it is important enough for you to spend an hour or two browsing the resolved questions, you will find hundreds of specific links.

free bmd search is very good you can also get counties bmd eg.lancashire ,yorkshire etc.hope this helps.

Try the two web sites below, I have used them with great effect, but remember the first golden rule of Genealogy always double check with a original source when ever possible.

Good luck and good hunting