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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am a female trying to figure out my heritage through my father's side?

Question:i recently discovered that there is a testing that can be done to figure out your heritage. but for females, it can only trace the maternal line. i was just wondering if that includes the maternal line on my father's side as well or if there is a test out there that can determine my heritage on my father's side. i would really like to know. thank you in advance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i recently discovered that there is a testing that can be done to figure out your heritage. but for females, it can only trace the maternal line. i was just wondering if that includes the maternal line on my father's side as well or if there is a test out there that can determine my heritage on my father's side. i would really like to know. thank you in advance

The only DNA that relates a female to her father is autosomal. Right now they are not using it for genealogy test. SMGF plans to within the year or so. Most of your DNA is autosomal. Put SMGF in you search engine.

Y DNA is passed solely from father to son.

Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to both sons and daughters but only her daughter passes it on to her children.

Autosomal you get 50-50 from both parents

If you have a brother and he takes the tests they can do both Y & Mitochondrial on him.
Now it won't show his relationship to his maternal grandfather or his paternal grandmother. .

A DNA sample of a brother, father, or another male relative (a nephew, or male cousin) you can trace your heritage on your father's side. See the link below for a detailed explanation:

When they say that the test can determine maternal line, it is because they trace the x chromosome. While males have both the x and y chromosomes, females only have the x chromosomes. The only possible way to trace that line through dna would be through a male family member on your fathers side.