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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a place where I could send in my DNA and they'll tell me what my he

Question:My uncle was telling me that I could take a piece of my hair and send it somewhere, and they would tell me all the places my ancestors are from.
If there is something like this, could someone tell me more about it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My uncle was telling me that I could take a piece of my hair and send it somewhere, and they would tell me all the places my ancestors are from.
If there is something like this, could someone tell me more about it?

I went through
You can check out their website to see what might be best for you. There are yDNA tests (male-male-male descent) and mtDNA tests (female-female-female descent). You can have both tests done at once. You can check for a dozen or so markers, or 30 or more markers If it is considered an exact match, that means the person has all the same ancestors as you do right down to your grandparents or so.
They sent me a kit with 2 swabs in it; I swabbed the insides of my cheeks, returned the kit and in about 3 weeks they sent me a written report and my own page on their site.
Through DNA, my ancestry has been traced all over Europe, Native Americans, including Innuits and Eskimos, parts of the Middle East, parts of Africa, parts of Asia, Australia, Mexico, Central and South America and Australia, plus islands in the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Carribean and the Mediterranean.
So, if you really want to know where your ancestors came from, DNA is the way to go.
Of course, there are many other sites; some specialize in Jewish, African American, Native American, etc., but you could start with Family Tree for information.

No, sorry.

Your DNA can only tell you if you are related to someone that already has their DNA on file. It can't tell you where your ancestors are from.

Google it on the web - this group did the same for a number of stars - Oprah included.

You'll swab the inside of your cheek, put the swab in a sealed container, then sent it to them. If you google Oprah/DNA/Penn State University you'll get the professor's name whose company provides this service... be sure to read the description of what's actually being provided - it's not as detailed as most initially think. However, if you have no idea of your heritage, it's a great way to know where your more recent ancestry is from. Oprah thought she was Native American and Zulu. The Indian component was confirmed, the Zulu was not. But she did get to connect with the tribe/people from whence she came. Good stuff.

I've read that blood type can be related to ethnicity.
You often see people asking to swap dna results to see if you are part of their family. I would beware of scams that charge you a lot of money and then take your hair and and scram.

You can try this: The Genographic Project is seeking to chart new knowledge about the migratory history of the human species by using sophisticated laboratory and computer analysis of DNA contributed by hundreds of thousands of people from around the world.

FamilyTreeDNA does not give an ethnicity breakdown using DNA.

There is a company that provides an Ethnicity test, using your DNA sample. It should give you a breakdown between Northern European, Southern European, Middle Eastern, Native American, etc.

You can have your Y-DNA analysed,which is your male line, i,e. yours, your fathers, Your grandfathers etc., which will give an indication of whereabouts in the world your Haplotype originated. And your Mtdna, that is your mother's dna, her mother's dna, her mother's dna, etc, that will give an indication of where her Haplotype originated.
It is a very interesting subject, you can find out more at

Note :- blood type has nothing to do with ethnicity.