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Question:who is father of god

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: who is father of god

the godfather! :]

a mystery to never be solved


God is the father and creator of all things..

God has no father. He created humans to have fathers.

God is the Father. There is no other.


the father of god (of this planet - Lucifer) is

God (the Creator/Alpha & Omega)
His God? Might be one, who knows?
that or it is a continuous loop

god is ever present and always existed he doesn't have a father.

the godfather? =D lol

but having father's and mother's is an animal thing. god isnt an animal he is a presence =)

specifically which God? there are many known Gods in this aspect and you must clarify which God are you talking about so that we could help.

Have a good day!

father god is who is in peple's minds
he comes in many different forms
and have many personalities
and react differently to different people

but they all have one thing in common
that they justify ur actions and everyone has one in his/her mind, although they try to deny his exiatance

God doesnt have a father. Thats a question ur not supposed to ask. He created himself.


we will know it at the judgement day..

hahahahhaha The GodFather...

god is the creator of all things! that is if you believe in him. which i do. created earth and everthing you can think of god was magical and a good person also.

Man created God to keep people in line. So, in a reverse way, man is the father of God.

No thumbs down from religious types please :]

god has no father he is the Creator ,god dose not share the same character as human ,the sun , moon , our selves is enough evidence that god is great he create all these things and we need to believe in it

Darth Vader

god has no father, he has allways been and allways will be. there as you look into the sky comprehension to man kind to forevernessor if you look into the sky you will find nor see no end

I don't think he has a farther sense he is the farther of ever thing but I'll ask you when I get to heaven.

It's you!

George Bush senior?

Go ask your PASTOR.

The flying spaghetti monster is the only god and he will not tolerate other gods

chuck norris