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Position:Home>Genealogy> What would be the term for one's cousin's grandmother (who isn't rel

Question:There isn't a term for that. I'll use the word "your" to explain this. Your cousin is related to you through one of your parent's siblings (aunt/uncle). That aunt/uncle married to another person, but seeing as you're not related by blood to their husband/wife's family, you don't call them anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There isn't a term for that. I'll use the word "your" to explain this. Your cousin is related to you through one of your parent's siblings (aunt/uncle). That aunt/uncle married to another person, but seeing as you're not related by blood to their husband/wife's family, you don't call them anything.

your cousin's other grandmother.

Your non-mutual grandmother!!

No specific term, as you are not (normally) related to your cousin's other grandparents.

Cousin's grandmother is the best term. She would be no relation to you.

There is no genealogical term for your cousin's grandmother.