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Position:Home>Genealogy> Census help please?

Question:Can anyone find a marriage for my great grand parents.

a MAUD HODDER and a JAMES ALFRED MOORE. married in england (derbyshire or could be liverpool)

not sure of the date, but my grandfather was born 1927, so with a guess they got married around that year

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can anyone find a marriage for my great grand parents.

a MAUD HODDER and a JAMES ALFRED MOORE. married in england (derbyshire or could be liverpool)

not sure of the date, but my grandfather was born 1927, so with a guess they got married around that year

I've already done the search for the marriage but so far have found nothing, did you feel the earthquake I did I was terrified.
I am in the UK the epicentre was 15 miles south of Hull, I was terrified so I wont be going to bed any time soon.
I've just checked 1926 nothing there.

I can't get the 4th Quarter of 1925 bmd on Ancestry to come up at all.

itsjustme is that what you are getting too?