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Position:Home>Genealogy> Am i related to Owen && Luke Wilson?

Question:I highly doubt that i am but you know i was just wondering. I thought that would be pretty cool. But my last name is Wilson too.
And if they had family members that used to run with Jesse James.
then i know i am related to them. =D.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I highly doubt that i am but you know i was just wondering. I thought that would be pretty cool. But my last name is Wilson too.
And if they had family members that used to run with Jesse James.
then i know i am related to them. =D.

You have to do your family tree, and then research their family tree, and then see if anywhere along the way your tree cross paths, meaning that you share a common ancestor. It's the only way. No one else can tell you what you are asking.

They are brothers.

Sorry, misread the question. I have no idea if you are related to them, how would I know.

you are the second person in two days that claims to be related to jesse james. Do a search , here on answer and see how many people claim the same thing, to jesse james ( the former or current) !!!

With all due deference, there's a greater likelihood that you're related to the Wilson brothers than there is of you having an ancestor named Wilson who rode with Jesse James. It's one of the most ongoing urban legends...even my husband grew up hearing about his great-grandfather riding with the James brothers. The definitive source is this list from the Kansas Historical Society. These are the people who actually did ride with Frank and Jesse:

I remember watching a late night talkshow interview with Rainn Wilson, who said that he and the Wilson Brothers were related way back, in 1600s Scotland.