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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I go about a DNA to find out whether or not I am from Jewish background?

Question:The uncertainty about not knowing who my birth father is, and no one alive to ask about. Makes me wonder, as a female could I find out whether I am Jewish or not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The uncertainty about not knowing who my birth father is, and no one alive to ask about. Makes me wonder, as a female could I find out whether I am Jewish or not?

Family Tree DNA can test for Jewish ancestry. You can look here:

You wont be able to find out about your male ancestry without a male in your fathers line submitting a sample. If there is Jewish ancestry in your female line, you can find it.

They only used to be able to test for Cohanim factor but I see they are now also testing Levite, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi. They also give you a web page with your markers and as research progresses you keep finding out more about your ancestry. You will find genetic "cousins" and where you come from in the dim and distant past as well.

well you cant really find out if you have a "jewish" background necessarily because jewish is a religion not a ethnicity, being hebrew is an ethnicity but jewish people are found all over the world.

impossible DNA has nothing to do with religion but you could find out who your birth father is with dna testing probably at your local hospital

The Jewish line is passed down by the women, not men. So the only way that you could be Jewish is if your mother is Jewish. Even if your father is Jewish, this would not make you a Jew :)