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Position:Home>Genealogy> Family names Doucet?

Question:What is a website that i can find my family in and where they orginated and stuff like that

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a website that i can find my family in and where they orginated and stuff like that

The name Doucet is an Acadian name, originating in France.

It means "sweet" or "sweetly."

Don't know where you live, but there are Doucets in New Brunswick, Canada, Boston, MA, Louisiana (cajun).

You can google "Dictionnaire des Familles Acadiens" by Stephen White and hopefully you'll find some family members!
@frenchegal: Bonjour, cousine!

wow! I would like to know the same thing.....

Check out the following website:

"In using the spelling DOUCET we include all those who are descendants of a Doucet family, but have a variation in the spelling of the name, such as Doucette, Doucett, Dousett, Dowsett, etc."


Try It has a lot of Doucet records and stuff like that.

The name looks French.

Try for general information - don't forget to insert name variations

Also try

This is the best site for you:

There is a wealth of information out there about our Acadian Ancestors. If you have an idea where your line went after that nasty incident with the Brits that split up the Acadians and deported them to the American colonies, Miquelon, the Caribbean (where they eventually made it to Louisiana), Great Britain, France or Quebec, then you can pick up the trail pretty quickly.

The best general resource is the Universite de Moncton Centre d'études acadiennes. There is an English-speaking version of it, but I didn't have time to snoop for it this morning. This is the keeper of all-things Acadian.